Build With AI Pricing

View pricing and features for our AI program below.

Students can email with a valid email for a discount

$299 $499 / year
Full Access To Courses
  • 10+ hours of AI coding courses
  • Basic public developer access
  • Community access of AI builders
  • Database of common AI errors
  • Pre-built components
$999 $1,999 / year
Full Courses & Developer Support
  • 10+ hours of AI coding courses
  • Private developer requests
  • Personalized developer support
  • Debugging & code optimization
  • Premium community access
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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know

Can I really use AI to build apps without knowing any code?
Yes! Our detailed coursework will provide you with a general overview on coding concepts, and more importantly, the right questions to prompt AI with to help create a finalized product. To fully bridge the gap, we also have a network of developers available to answer questions and debug specific sections of your code that AI has touble with.
How long does it take to learn coding with AI?
Our coursework alone accounts for over 10 hours of pre-recorded materials. We recommend you build alongside us on the videos and read closely through our materials and utilize all of our resources. Its's a never-ending journey of learning, but most people are able to build complex full-stack applications within weeks.
Will I get any future updates on the AI courses?
Of course. AI is constantly changing, and our community will always be up-to-date on the latest AI features and tools so that our students are best equipped with the most efficient way forward.
Who is this program for?
This program is for complete beginners looking to use AI tools to build apps without having previous technical experience. Because a portion of the program is focused on fundamentals, we don't recommend advanced coders to join for those sections.
What tech stack will this program use?
We will be mainly generating JavaScript code using AI. Because of this, our full-stack apps are typically NextJs / Supabase / Firebase focused applications. For our native mobile apps, we use React Native.
What are the program payment methods?
We accept all major credit card providers as well as PayPal for our courses.
Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.

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